BounceBack Coach, Ontario Structured Psychotherapy
Sonia’s advice/inspiration for others
You have more power and control over your emotions than you realize. Once you learn the strategies to implement that power, it has the potential to manifest into life-changing outcomes. Understanding the power of your thoughts and behaviours, and your ability to control how you think about what you think, serves to build autonomy, self-efficacy and ultimately hope. With hope, all things are possible!
Sonia’s favourite moment(s) at CMHA
Without question, my favourite moments, which also provide a source of fulfillment and accomplishment, involve reviewing the Satisfaction Feedback Surveys, submitted by my clients. Witnessing the joy and gratitude expressed by clients who have experienced improvements resulting from the BounceBack program is indescribable. Knowing that I have contributed to an impactful positive change in someone’s life is extremely fulfilling and rewarding.
Below are some of the feedback I’ve received from my clients:
- “At first, I didn’t feel I had a fighting chance for a better life. I was hit with so many things at once physically, I’m feeling physical pain and mentally I was feeling pain in my work life lots of drama couldn’t handle everything all at once. I went to my doctor, and he recommended this program, Entered Sonia into my life with BounceBack program. Now I have the tools to do what I have to do. I have a healthy mind and body. I realize I will always have challenges in my life but at least now I have a fighting chance and if I don’t, I could always call Sonia and or go back into the program which makes me feel supported.”
- “I will learn to be kinder to myself. That came from the BounceBack booklet and Sonia time and time again things will always happen, but if you have the tools to recognize negative thinking you just don’t go down that road. Sonia helpsme with that.”
- “I have told several of my friends about this program… they say I am a different person now! I know one of my friends has just started this program and feels it will really help her also. Thanks so much to my coach, Sonia, for helping me. She has helped me tremendously !! :)”
- “It was just that I could feel the positive changes inside me. and I knew with 100% certainty that it came back from Sonia and the BounceBack program. I loved when I was struggling at the beginning because I was forced to look at my life and I didn’t like what I was seeing. Sonia worked with me. She didn’t give up on me. She was a rockstar.!!!”

Why Sonia chose to work at CMHA
When I decided to live my life committed to my purpose and calling, I was intentional about securing a position where the organizational values aligned with my own. Holding service among one of my top values, was a primary factor in selecting CMHA as the organization of my choice. Additionally, having implemented the foundational principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in my own life and consequently experiencing the powerful transformation, confirmed that CMHA-YRSS was the ideal place of employment, where I could impart this knowledge and practice to others.
I am passionate about empowering others. I am also driven by love for humanity and a desire to break the chains of oppression, depression and anxiety that seem to hold so many as prisoners. Having an opportunity to empower others, in an environment where I am able to demonstrate compassion, empathy, kindness and love; in the company of like-minded individuals, makes CMHA my ideal workplace.
How our Ontario Structured Psychotherapy program supports our community
The Ontario Structured Psychotherapy program has far-reaching benefits. This free and evidenced-based program uses the CBT model as the core approach; which has proven to be effective in treating anxiety and depression. The convenient services that are made available to individuals in our community fill the gaps in limited and affordable mental health services that can otherwise be out of reach for many.
My role as a BounceBack Coach is to help teens (15-17) and adults uncover their best selves, through working with them to learn and apply tools and skills to rise above their anxiety, low mood and overcome depression; empowering them to meet their goals and ultimately live a content, joy-filled life, doing the things they love and hope to do!