The staff here at CMHA York Region and South Simcoe believe in our mission and work so much, that many participate in Mental Health In Motion every year. Learn why Penny, from the Newcomer Health and Well-Being Program, is in motion this year.
What is your position at CMHA York Region and South Simcoe?
I work as a Nurse Practitioner in the awesome Newcomer Health and Well-Being Program-work I truly enjoy. We seek to support newcomers and immigrants in navigating their health and wellness journey as they settle in Canada.
Why are you participating in Mental Health in Motion?
I am participating as a way to give back to CMHA, what CMHA gave me. I started working at CMHA after a difficult season of life. I was amazed at the capacity with which everyone at CMHA welcomes both staff and clients-and gives everyone a seat at the table-recognizing that we are all in different stages of our wellbeing journey.
Mental Health in Motion provides much needed support to the young people in our communities, who have so much to offer the world, but just need more people to believe in them.
What value do you think teams provide to Mental Health in Motion?
Teams provide that sense of accountability as you challenge yourselves to meet both individual and team targets-whether financial or physical.
What would be your advice to someone who is interested in starting a team?
Do not delay! This past year has taught us do not wait-Tag you’re it! Start a team! Join a team! Be your own team! (You can join the Newcomer Health and Well-Being Team if you’re looking).