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Meet Tammy

Registered Practical Nurse from our Flexible Support Program

Tammy’s advice/inspiration for others

One piece of inspiration I would give is that healing and growth is always possible! No matter how dark a situation may seem, there is always hope! Every little step we take can make a difference and eventually, enough of those small steps can lead to a major change in our overall life.

“Just keep swimming!” – Dory, Finding Nemo

Tammy’s favourite moment at CMHA 

My favorite moments working at CMHA is the incredible people I’ve encountered and constantly learn from. Working in a few of the other teams including Assertive Community Treatment Teams South West and South Simcoe, I am able to always learn something new every day! Seeing that I am contributing to making a difference in people’s lives and am a part of their healing journey is what makes it all worth it!


Why Tammy chose to work at CMHA 

I chose to work at CMHA after gaining my mental health nursing certificate and having a passion for mental health. I wanted to pursue a career that combined my passion for helping others and mental health, and I am able to make a difference in people’s lives on a more personal level. The transition from working in hospital environments to CMHA was such a pleasant surprise! The ability to spend more time with clients one on one and be able to make a difference in their lives felt great! I love being a part of a community that truly cares for their clients.

How the Flexible Support Program is making a difference in our community

The Flexible Support Team makes a difference in people’s lives as we know the wait times for most health care specialties, especially psychiatry, is excessively long making it feel hopeless to receive help. The Flexible Support Team gives people the ability to be seen on a short-term basis to have their needs met. CMHA we offers a glimmer of hope for most people. I’ve been able to see the impact first hand of how much of a difference we’ve been able to make on our community and clients.

Learn more about our Flexible Support Program
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